The "North Pomona Flier" operated from Garey Avenue & Bertie Street, Pomona, north along Garey Avenue, Orange Grove Avenue, Hiwasse Street, Laurel Street to Railroad Street, then went west to a point opposite the Santa Fe Station in North Pomona. It operated continuously from November or December, 1887 to November, 1907. During 1895 the SP acquired control and operated it until operation ceased. SP then sold the line to PE (except the real estate it owned), giving PE its first entry into Pomona. PE tore up the old rail on Garey Avenue and put down an electric railway constructed of 70-lb. steel rails. PE did retain enough PSRy real estate to furnish a site for its substation at Garey & Bertie streets.
PE at once began the development of its Pomona city lines, doing the work through the PE Land Company. This work was performed from 1 October 1907 to 15 September 1911. When completed, the Pomona city lines aggregated to 10.43 miles of equivalent single track, 0.06 mile spurs and sidings.
Trackage in Pomona was laid as follows:
Garey Avenue, 4th to Walnut: | Tracks laid December, 1907 |
Walnut Street to Park Avenue: | Tracks laid December, 1909 |
West Holt Avenue: | Tracks laid December, 1907 |
East Holt Avenue: | Tracks laid June, 1909 |
West Second Street: | Tracks laid March, 1910 |
South Garey & East Fifth Street: | Tracks laid September, 1910 |
South Garey & Franklin Avenue: | Tracks laid August, 1910 |
Ganesha Park Line: | Tracks laid December, 1909 |
Operation: As of 1 February 1924, car left end of W. Second at 6:40 AM, then every forty minutes until 6:00 PM; then car left Franklin & Garey at 7:30 PM and hourly until 10:30 PM. From Ganesha Park, car left at 6:00 AM and every 40 minutes until 6:40 PM; then 7:15 PM and every 30 minutes until 10:45 PM with 15-minute car running via Holt Avenue, 45-minute car running via N. Garey.
Operation: As of 1 February 1924, car left end of W. Second at 6:40 AM, then every forty minutes until 6:00 PM, returning; car left Ganesha Park at 7:00 AM every forty minutes until 5:40 PM, then 6:20 PM car to Third & Garey only; later service furnished by Garey & Park Avenue cars alternating (see above).
Route: From Palomares Street & Franklin Avenue (Pomona Valley Cemetery), west on Franklin Avenue to Garey Avenue, north on Garey Avenue to Holt Avenue, west on Holt to Huntington Boulevard, north on Huntington to Ganesha Park, thru the Park to Walnut & Garey, south on Garey to Holt, then to starting point, Palomares & Franklin.
Route: From W. Second & Oak Street, via Second to Garey, north on Garey to Park Junction., west through Ganesha Park to Huntington, south on Huntington to Holt, east on Holt to Garey, south on Garey to starting point, the end of W. Second St.