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Watts Line

 The Watts Line performed local service along the route of the Long Beach Line from 6th & Main Station to Watts, 7.45 miles.
 This local service was established at an unknown date, probably 1904. Upon the completion of the Four Tracks, local cars used the outside, or local, tracks between 9th & Hooper and Watts. At various times this line was through routed with certain Northern District lines.
 As of 1927, 35 cars of the 600 Class were required by this line. These cars were stored at Watts Carhouse.

Passengers: (fare & Transfer)
YearPassengersCar MilesRevenue
1932Figures unavailable
* Figures include South Pasadena Line
X Figures include Sierra Vista Line; these two lines were through-routed from March 20, 1938 to October 22, 1950.

 Three towers were encountered on this line: Amoco, Slauson and Watts. A fourth was ordered by the city for Vernon Avenue where the Four Tracks crossed the 'V' Line of LARy; this was eliminated by ordering all cars and trains of both companies to make absolute safety stops at this intersection.
 At the inner end of Four Tracks, a switch tender was on duty during regular hours; he controlled Watts cars' entering and leaving the outer tracks; cars only proceeded on his signal. When no switch tender was on duty, conductors flagged the inbound main line.
 At Main & Ninth, an interlocking plant governed the intersection. The tower was located on the southeast corner of the intersection. On a yellow signal light, cars moving from Main onto Spring, from Spring west onto 9th, and from Main east onto 9th proceeded. Cars on all other lines proceeded only on a green signal light. When towerman was on duty, a blue light burned above tower; when not on duty, signals operated automatically and a white light burned. Motormen approaching this intersection first observed whether or not signals were in automatic operation. If white light was burning, front end of car was brought to a stop at STOP sign located in pavement between rails, then when ready to proceed, operated slowly until car entered track circuit or passed trolley contactor and observed if proceed signal was obtained. If track was clear, light signal changed to yellow, indicating proceed. After trolley passed under contactor or car entered track circuit and signal did not indicate proceed, car had to be stopped before reaching fouling point, which was shown by a disc in the pavement between rails. Normal indication of signal located on span wire over track was dark; when red light was displayed, the front of car must not be moved beyond STOP sign in pavement until signal had cleared.

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