Hollywood Line
Local service on Hollywood Boulevard. was provided by several lines down the years: the Hollywood Boulevard. Line via Hill St. Line, the Subway-Hollywood Line, the Hollywood-Venice Line, and the Laurel Canyon Line. The Hollywood-Venice Line is taken independently, while the other three are covered here. First, the Hollywood Boulevard. via Hill St. Line.
ROUTE: From Hill St. Station via Hill
St., Sunset Boulevard., Hollywood Boulevard., private way, Hawthorne Ave. private
way to Gardner Junction.(Sunset Boulevard. & Gardner St.). In the early
years, the Laurel Canyon Line was through-routed with this line; trackage ran
up Sunset Boulevard. to Laurel Canyon Boulevard. from Gardner Junction. After
February 7, 1926, the Subway Terminal was also used as a downtown terminus for
this line; route then became: Subway, Glendale Boulevard., Park Ave. to Sunset
Boulevard., then the same as above.
This line's history may tend to confuse,
as its final, familiar route embraced segments of earlier lines built in
different years. However, taking the line from Hill St. Station and working
out: That segment from Hill St. Station to Hill & Sunset Boulevard. was
built in 1909, opening on September 15th ("Tunnel Day");
this segment featured two tunnels which saved 10 minutes in running time.
Tracks on Sunset Boulevard. from Broadway to Sanborn Junction. (Santa Monica
Boulevard) were constructed in 1895 by Pasadena & Pacific; the gauge was 3'-6"
and double track was built as far west as Hoover St., single track from there
to the beach at Santa Monica on Santa Monica Boulevard. In 1900 LAP built a
loop line which left the Santa Monica Boulevard. line at Virgil, proceeded
northwesterly on single track private way to the intersection of Hollywood
Boulevard.(then Prospect Ave) & Vermont; this segment was known as the
Melrose Cutoff. Once on Hollywood Boulevard., the new single track narrow gauge
line ran due west through the infant Hollywood to La Brea Ave., thence through
Gardner to Crescent Junction.(Santa Monica Boulevard. & Fairfax Ave.) where
it rejoined the old line. This loop was doubled tracked almost immediately. In
1905 the Hollywood Cutoff was constructed, running from Sanborn Junction. to
Hollywood & Vermont Ave.; this was a double track line, and largely
replaced the Melrose Cutoff. This line was standard gauged in 1909. PE obtained
the Hollywood Boulevard. Line in 1911 and operated it until sold all its
passenger business to Metropolitan Coach Lines on October 1, 1953. Metro continued
the operation of this line until September 26, 1954, when the line was converted
to motor coach operation.
As of mid-1911 an approximate 10 minute
base service was operated to Gardner. Cars left Hill Street Station from 6:09
AM to 12:01 AM; extra service was provided as required. Evening headway was 30
minutes. On October 25, 1916, this line was thru-routed with the W. 16th St.
Line. Service increased enormously on this line in succeeding years; as of
November 1921, cars in morning rush hours were on a 2 minute headway, 3 minutes
in base service, 1 minute in evening rush---with Sunday headways being on a 3¾ minute
headway. First cars left 5th & Hill at 4:02 AM, last car at 2:10 AM. The
opening of the alternate Hollywood Boulevard. via Subway Line on February 7,
1926, just about halved the service on this line. As of December, 1927, the
intervals were 7 minutes in the morning rush, 10 minutes in base hours, 5
minutes in evening rush, and 12 minutes nights and Sundays. 112 trips operated
in each direction. Base running time from Gardner to Vineyard was 85 minutes.
On January 18, 1932, night and Sunday service only was separated from the
Venice Boulevard. Line and terminated at 11th & Hill Streets. with a 15
minute headway. Base service was run on a 10 minute frequency with a
approximate 10 minute rush hour headway. Every third car in base hours ran
through to Beverly Hills. On September 18, 1938, through-routing with the
Venice Boulevard. Line was resumed at all hours and days of the week. The Subway-Hollywood
Line was discontinued during evening hours on January 8, 1939; this caused
adjustments, with certain curtailments on the Venice Boulevard. end. A 10
minute evening headway was established, with two cars out of three turning back
at 11th & Hill, the third continuing to Vineyard. At the same time the
night service was extended to Beverly Hills on the west end and the 10 minute
service was given three terminal points: one car gong to Beverly Hills, one to
Santa Monica & Fairfax, and one to Gardner. Owl cars operated to and from
Hill St. Station. On February 9, 1941, this line was through-routed during base
hours with both the Venice Boulevard. Local Line and the Venice Short Line on
weekdays. On August 24, 1941, the Hollywood-Venice Line was abandoned, leaving
all On August 24, 1941, the Hollywood-Venice Line was abandoned, leaving all
service to Beverly Hills to this line. On April 18, 1943, this line was
separated from the Venice Short Line but was through-routed with the Venice
Boulevard. Line except nights and Sundays when it terminated at 11th & Hill
Streets. Most cars terminated at Gardner, although nights and Sundays some cars
operated to and from Beverly Hills, a few Sunday morning trips operated to and
from Santa Monica Boulevard. & Fairfax and owl service terminated at West
Hollywood. Base service to Gardner was 10 minutes, with 7 minute service in
rush hours; evening service was 7 ½ minutes to Gardner, 15 minutes to Beverly
Hills. Sunday service was 5 minutes to Gardner, 10 to Beverly Hills. Additional
service, of course, was provided by the Subway-Hollywood Line daily except
nights and Sundays. On June 25, 1948, evening service was cut to 10 minutes as
far as Gardner, 20 minutes to Beverly Hills. The last timetable, dated November
14, 1949, provided 15 minute evening service to Beverly Hills until 10:00 PM,
then 20 minutes. No Gardner cars operated Monday thru Friday after the 9:43
departure from 11th & Hill. On Saturday night only many Gardner cars ran,
providing 8 minute service as far west as that point all evening. The last car
left Beverly Hills for 11th & Hill Streets. at 2:31 AM on Sunday, October
1, 1950. Yard limits were defined by signals at West Hollywood, Gardner and
Vineyard. No freight was operated over this line east of Crescent
Junction.(Santa Monica Boulevard. & Fairfax).
PASSENGERS (Fare & Transfer):
Year |
Passengers |
Miles |
Revenue |
1917 |
9,932,132 |
2,403,100 |
$454,132 |
1918 |
9,621,025 |
2,419,415 |
$445,473 |
1920 |
13,676,834 |
2,531,934 |
$687,101 |
1922 |
14,583,703 |
2,635,839 |
$1,058,689 |
1924 |
16,380,874 |
2,471,814 |
$978,048 |
1926* |
8,416,032 |
1,280,499 |
$583,772 |
Hollywood Line established |
Beverly Hills 0.00
West Hollywood 1.44
Fairfax Ave. 2.79
Gardner St. 3.48
Hollywood Jct. 7.96
Bonnie Brae St. 9.55
Subway Terminal 11.70
Hill St. Station 12.21
11th & Hill Streets 13.15
Vineyard 17.69
As of 1927, 30 of the 600 Class cars were
assigned to this line. 24 were required in the normal weekday schedules. These
cars were stored at Sherman, Hill St. Station, and Vineyard.
for use of the Hollywood Boulevard. Line was distributed from these
substations: Vineyard, Burlington, Toluca, Olive, Hollywood, and Sherman.
This line was established on
February 7, 1926, to supplement the Hollywood Boulevard. via Hill St. Line; it
provided about half of the total Hollywood Boulevard. service.
From Subway Terminal via subway, Glendale Boulevard., Park Ave., Sunset Boulevard., Hollywood Boulevard. to La Brea Ave., private way, Hawthorn Ave., and private way to Sunset Boulevard. & Gardner. Operation: As of November, 1926, cars of this line left Subway Terminal at frequent intervals until 9:06 AM, then every 10 minutes to 3:56 PM, then frequent intervals until 8:27 PM, then every 12 minutes to last car at 11:27 PM. As of August 1, 1934, all service was operating to points west of Gardner. Base headway was 10 minutes to Santa Monica & Fairfax, 20 minutes to West Hollywood. At night, 15 minutes to Fairfax, 30 to West Hollywood, and on Sundays, 15 minutes to West Hollywood. Wartime increased patronage brought about the sending of all through trips to Beverly Hills on a 10 minute headway, effective April 18, 1943. Very little change occurred until October 1, 1950; then, owing to the abandonment of the Hollywood Boulevard. via Hill St. Line, night and Sunday service was reestablished on this line. On November 16, 1950, rush hour night service to Beverly Hills was on a 10 minute frequency, with running time to Beverly Hills now 55 minutes. One-man operation was established on this line on January 14, 1951 with running time increased to 65 minutes. Two-car trains were replaced by more frequent single cars in the rush hours on June 1, 1953; a 4 minute evening rush headway to West Hollywood(new turn back point) was in effect, and 8 minutes to Beverly Hills. The last car left Beverly Hills at 2:28 AM on Sunday, September 26, 1954.
PASSENGERS (Fare & Transfer):
Year |
Passengers |
Miles |
Revenue |
1926* |
4,910,092 |
724,501 |
$356,062 |
1927* |
4,776,982 |
744,324 |
$383,962 |
Operation began February 7th to November 30th. |
CARS: 27 cars of the 600 Class were required by this line for normal weekday operation; these were stored at Sherman, Subway Terminal, Toluca Yard, and Hill St. Station surface tracks.
From Santa Monica Boulevard. & approximately Virgil Ave. via private way (single track) to Vermont Ave. & Hollywood Boulevard. Built 1900 as part of Hollywood Boulevard. Line; replaced by Hollywood Cutoff in 1905. Thereafter it was of minor importance. Standard gauged in 1908. As of January 6, 1913, cars left Hollywood & Vermont for Hill St. Station at 6:12 AM and hourly to 11:12 PM; returning, cars left Hill St. Station at 6:42 AM and hourly to 11:42 PM. Permission to abandon was given in July 1915. Length, 0.84 mile. The Key to the whole Subway-Hollywood-San Fernando Valley service was the 550-foot connection between the Glendale-Burbank Line and the Sunset Boulevard. Line. The connection left Glendale Boulevard. at Park Ave. and joined Sunset Boulevard. at Bonnie Brae St. This project was completed in early 1926.
ROUTE, 1911:
From Sunset & N. Broadway(Buena Vista
St.) via Sunset Boulevard. to Sunset & Grand, 0.188 miles, double track.
This line was a relic of LAP narrow gauge operation via Sunset and Spring
Streets. to its Fourth St. Station. In 1909 the Hill St. Tunnels were opened
and this stub line was thereafter used for freight and mail cars, LAP's Buena
Vista Freight House being on this line., After the Great Merger, PE ran a
morning and an afternoon franchise cars over this route; it was abandoned on
July 10, 1913.
On Sunset Boulevard. from Gardner Junction. to Laurel
Canyon Boulevard., 0.81 mile; all single tack except for passing track midway.
Built 1894 by Cahuenga Valley Railroad Company as a
narrow gauge steam line. Obtained by Pasadena & Pacific in 1896 and
electrified about 1900. It was standard gauged by LAP in 1909 and became PE
property in 1911. PE operated it until March 10, 1924, when it was abandoned.
In 1911 two of every three cars on the Hollywood
Boulevard. Line ran through to Laurel Canyon, provided alternate 10 and 20
minute base headways with half hourly service evenings. On October 25, 1916,
Laurel Canyon service was through-routed with the W. 16th St. Line. About 1921
shuttle service from Gardner Junction. was established; this continued until
abandonment. Shuttle service was on a 15 minute base headway with 7½ minute
service in rush hours.
Prior to establishment of shuttle service, cars were
those of the Hollywood Boulevard. Line; 200s and 400s, with possibly 100s, even
500s, being used when necessary. Shuttle service was provided by Birneys.
60-lb T-rail, redwood ties, gravel ballast, asphalt
Sherman Substation was principal source of power for
this line. Service for this area was provided by the Los Angeles Motor Bus
Company after abandonment of this line.
From Hill St. Station this line proceeded
over the Hollywood Boulevard. Line to Crescent Junction., thence via Santa
Monica Boulevard. to Beverly Hills and Sawtelle to Santa Monica, thence via
Ocean Ave. and Trolleyway to Windward Ave., Venice. Mileage: 21.43
For data pertaining to track
construction, see Hollywood Boulevard. Line, Santa Monica Boulevard. Line(South
Hollywood Line), and Santa Monica via Beverly Hills Line. Inasmuch as through
service via Hollywood from Los Angeles to the west beaches was inaugurated as
early as 1896 via Santa Monica Boulevard. and in 1900 via Hollywood Boulevard.,
it would be difficult to set a definite date for the inauguration of this line
as a separate entity. In the Great Merger of 1911, PE acquired the various
routes traversed by this line. From then until final abandonment on August 23,
1941, PE operated the Hollywood-Venice Line as a separate line.
This line served as an additional local
streetcar service between Los Angeles and Hollywood with the added facility of
through cars to Beverly Hills, Santa Monica and Venice for patrons along Sunset
and Hollywood Boulevards. It also formed a link between the terminals of the
local Hollywood and Santa Monica Boulevard. cars at Gardner Junction., Crescent
Junction., Sherman and intermediate points to Venice. This line always rendered
local service throughout its entire route. Extreme traffic congestion
encountered in Hollywood militated against the use of this line by Angelenos
desiring to travel to the west beaches; routes via W. 16Th St. offered
considerable saving in time as of 1927, it took 93 minutes via the
Hollywood-Venice Line to go from Hill St. Station to Windward Ave. versus 53
minutes between the same two points via the Venice Short As of January 18,
1916, 33 round trips were operated daily over this line. By January 1918, this
number had been reduced to 30. As of March 26, 1918, an hourly night service
was in effect to Venice., the last car leaving Los Angeles at 11:05 PM,
arriving at Venice at 12:21 AM. On January 18, 1932, all daily except Sunday
service except owl service was re-routed to the Subway Terminal instead of Hill
St. Station. All Sunday service continued to use the Hill St. Station. Night
service was 30 minutes to Beverly Hills, 60 minutes to Venice, absorbing
Beverly Hills service formerly operating on the Hollywood Boulevard. via Subway
local Line. New running time was 88 minutes outbound, 89 minutes inbound. On
February 9, 1941, Sunday service was rerouted via Hill St. to 11th & Hill
Streets., absorbing all Hollywood Boulevard. via Hill St. local line Sunday
service. Abandonment came in 1941. The last car from 11th & Hill Streets.
to Venice ran on August 17, 1941, and the last car to Venice from the Subway
Terminal ran on August 23. The Los Angeles-Beverly Hills portion of the
Hollywood-Venice Line was immediately absorbed by the Hollywood Boulevard. via
Hill St. local Line nights and Sundays and by the Hollywood Boulevard. via Subway
local line at other hours.
Before 1929, the Hollywood-Venice Line
was served by wooden suburban cars; first came the 490s, to be replaced by ten
450s and four 500s. 1929 saw new steel cars 750-759 assigned to this line; they
ran until abandonment, with other 600 Class cars assigned as required.
For description of trackage between Los
Angeles and Gardner Junction., see Hollywood Boulevard. Line. From Gardner
Junction. to Fairfax (Crescent Junction.), track was 60-lb T-rail on redwood
ties with rock ballast; from Fairfax to Hacienda Drive, 75-lb. T-rail on
redwood ties with rock ballast and asphalt pavement; from Hacienda to Beverly
Hills, 70-lb. T-rail on redwood ties, with gavel ballast. From Beverly Hills to
Venice, see Santa Monica via Beverly Hills Line.
This line received power from these
substations: Toluca (No. 51), Olive (No. 35), Hollywood (46), West Hollywood (38)
and Ocean Park (40).
Hollywood-Venice cars used the following
storage yards (along with cars of other lines): Subway (36 cars), Toluca (33),
West Hollywood (190), Ocean Park (65); in the early days, cars were also stored
during periods of heavy beach travel on the Venice Freight Branch adjacent to
Windward Ave.
Year |
Passengers |
Miles |
Revenue |
1913 |
1,696,118 |
573,446 |
$145,559 |
1916 |
2,138,376 |
551,219 |
$150,154 |
1918 |
1,874,694 |
521,682 |
$140,129 |
1920 |
2,009,903 |
524,484 |
$206,645 |
1922 |
2,268,688 |
589,273 |
$302,391 |
1924 |
2,470,101 |
650,495 |
$321,578 |
1926 |
2,363,885 |
638,973 |
$296,067 |
1928 |
2,267,278 |
629,047 |
$249,208 |
1930 |
2,273,840 |
591,498 |
$229,994 |
1932 |
1,494,759 |
397,985 |
$157,710 |
1934 |
382,923 |
164,196 |
$60,562 |
1936 |
552,575 |
195,633 |
$81,770 |
1938 |
400,304 |
175,153 |
$55,369 |
After 1932 L.A.-Beverly
Hills local business on this line credited to "Subway-Beverly
Hills" account. |