TIMEPOINTS - Supplement One - Revised Ed,




Compiled by Laurence R. Veysey


The eight entirely new pages of this Supplement represent much additional ef­fort at research and verification since the first edition of this Chronology was printed at the beginning of 1951, A large amount of new material, particular­ly in the early years, and many correc­tions to older material, have been dis­covered.  This listing still does not pretend to be complete, but it does in­clude all major changes on most major lines; and it was felt better to respond to the demand that the Chronology, for some time out of print, be reissued, ra­ther than await some distant opportunity to complete the research on those rela­tively few dates that are not yet known.  All abandonments and other changes re­corded herein are of rail passenger ser­vice.  Continuance of tracks solely for freight use and the existence of motor coach lines replacing rail passenger ser­vice are both ignored.  Post-mortem franchise runs (a term we have loosely employed to refer to any once-a-day ser­vice) are given where operated.

ABBREVIATIONS: ab.=tota1ly abandoned; disc.=discontinued; ext.=extended; est.=established for the first time as a new service; reest.=reestablished after dis­continuance; thru—rted.=through-routed, or joined to form a combined service; rerted.=rerouted; temp.=temporary.

LA=Los Angeles; S Bdo=San Bernardino; Pas=Pasadena; L Bch=Long Beach; S Ped=San Pedro; Riv=Riverside; Redl=Redlands; Pom=Pomona; Npt Bch=Newport Beach; S Mon

=Santa Monica; Red Bch=Redondo Beach.

Loc. L.= Local Line.

Only present names of towns are used.


Published by the Yale Railway Society as a Special Reference Supplement to TIME­POINTS: The Southern California Traction Review, monthly publication of the Sou­thern California Division, Electric Rail­roaders’ Assn., November 1952.  Single copies 25¢ each,

Laurence Russ Veysey ... Editor

Lazear Israel ... Circulation Manager

Editorial office 1826 Yale Station, New Haven, Conn.; order copies at 7917 Maitland Avenue Inglewood California.

Sources principally used include: com­pany files, Decisions of the Public Uti­lities Commission, Pacific Electric Mag­azine, the microfilm files of the Los Angeles Times in the Public Library, and time tables, both employees’ and public, in various collections.


1911 or Soon After

[The following changes occurred after July 1911, either later in the year or during the following few years.]

LA-Venice-Inglewood changed to Ocean Park- Inglewood shuttle.

Pasadena-Shorb est.

Santa Ana-Orange electrified with through service, replacing "motor" line north of Santa Clara Ave.

LA: Cahuenga Pass Loc. L. ext. to Hill St. Sta. from shuttle on Highland Ave.

Venice-Playa Del Rey via Lagoon separated from S Mon: Third St. Loc. L.

LA (Southern Pacific Sta.) - L Bch-S Ped. est,

LA (Southern Pacific Sta.)-Pas (Southern Pacific Sta.) est.

South Pas: Mission and Fair Oaks Loc. L. disc.

LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. thru-rted. with Venice Blvd. Loc. L.

Pas: South Loop Loc. L. rerted. to Tour­nament Park from Lake and Colorado.


25 February - LA-Covina ext. to San Dimas

7 April - Riv-West Highgrove est.

After July - L Bch: East First St. Loc. L. ab.

6 September - LA- Glendale ext. to Burbank (Cypress Ave.)

12 November - LA- Yorba Linda ext. to Stern; LA-Red Bch via Vermont Heights­ Delta-Gardena (narrow gauge) ab.; LA-Red Bch via Inglewood-Hawthorne (nar­row gauge) ab. except shuttle Hawthorne-El Nido; LA-Red Bch via Watts est.; LA: Strawberry Park via Vermont Heights Loc. L. ab.; LA-Red Bch via Playa Del Rey ext. from Red Bch to Cliffton.

16 December - LA- North Hollywood - Van Nuys est.


LA: S Mon Air Line-Culver Jct. local ser­vice est.; through service rerted. from Venice Short Line to inner portion of Air Line [1912 or 1913].

Early - Pas: East Washington Loc. L. ext. from Lake Ave. to Tierra Alta.

Early - S Mon: Lincoln Blvd. Loc. L. est.

13 April - Upland - San Antonio Heights and Pom-Claremont acquired by purchase from Ontario & San Antonio Heights Ry.

1 September - LA-San Dimas ext. to Pom; San Dimas Loc. L. est.


Pom-Claremont ext. to Ontario; Ontario­ San Antonio Heights changed to termi­nate at Upland [probably this year].

LA: Annandale Loc. L. ext. to Annandale; rush hour through service ext. to all hours.

L Bch: Alamitos Bay Loc. L. ext. to Seal Beach.

Early - LA- Van Nuys ext. to Canoga Park [perhaps in 1912].

14 March ? - S Bdo: Urbita Springs Loc. L. separated from S Bdo-Redl in mor­ning rush hours, thus separate at all hours.

22 March - Van Nuys-San Fernando shuttle est. through service to LA later.

30 July - Pas: Lincoln Ave. Loc. L. est.

After 20 August - Riv- Arlington rerted. via Magnolia Ave. from Brockton Ave.; Riv: Brockton Ave. Loc. L. est. [possibly 1914].


February - L Bch: East L Bch Loc. L. ext. to North L Bch.

23 March, 31 March - Most Southern Dist­rict interurban lines and certain Nor­thern District lines rerted. in LA from Main St. in both directions to LA St. temporary terminal via Seventh St.

24 April - Riv-Bloomington ext. to Rial­to [one source gives date in 1915; con­temporary newspapers give above date.]

August - El Segundo-Hawthorne est.

4 October - Riv - West Highgrove ext. to Colton,

13 December - Riv-Colton ext. to S Bdo.


[The following changes occurred during or shortly before 1915.]

LA: El Molino Loc. L. changed to termi­nate at Sierra Vista.

S Mon-Brentwood Loc. L. thru-rted. with Venice-Playa Del Rey via Lagoon,

Santa Ana-Balboa changed to terminate at Huntington Beach.

L Bch: West Seventh Loc. L. ab. except franchise; American Ave. Loc. L. thru-­rted. with Seaside Park Loc. L.


S Bdo: Seventh St. Loc. L. ab. [This was former routing of S Bdo-Highland and S Bdo-Patton, but it is believed that separate local service was also maintained.]

After 13 February - LA: Annandale Loc. L. changed to shuttle service all hours.

17 February - Riv - Arlington ext. from Harrison St. to Corona.

By late in the year - LA- S Ped via Gardena through service est., standard-


Probably late in the year - LA: Annan­dale Loc. L. changed to reest. partial or full through service, thru-rted, to Watts Loc. L.

By 3 September - LA: Watts and South Pas­adena Loc. L. thru-rted.

Probably after 16 November - L Bch: Ocean Ave. Loc. L. ab. except franchise east of 20th Place.

After 24 November - L Bch:        West Seventh St. franchise ab.


LA-Alhambra absorbs LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L. [after 3 September 1915].

About 15 January - More interurban lines rerted. in LA from Main St. to LA St. temp. terminal via Seventh St.

March - LA-Red Bch via Hawthorne through service est.

By June - LA-Torrance est.

15 July - LA-S Ped via Gardena ext. in S Ped to Fifth and Front.

25 July - Manhattan-Red Bch Loc. L. est,

28 July - LA: S Mon via Air Line local service ext, from Culver Jct. to Palms.

By August - S Bdo- Riv and S Bdo - Redl. thru-rted. [possibly as early as 1913].

1 August - LA-Glendale-East Broadway est.

1 August - LA-La Crescenta through ser­vice in rush hours via Glendale & Montrose Railway Co. est. [or soon after.]

10 August - S Mon- West LA via Brentwood separated from Venice-Playa Del Rey via Lagoon; LA-Venice via Short Line re­rted. in S Mon via loop on Third St.

On or by 22 August - Delta-Strawberry Park shuttle est., standard-gauge,

1 October - Manhattan-Red Bch Loc. L., disc.

2 October - Upland - San Antonio Heights converted from 600 to 1200 volts.

6 October - S Ped: Fourteenth St. Loc. L. ab.; Outer Harbor Loc. L. probably re-­rerted.

25 October - LA; Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. separated from Venice Blvd. Loc, L.; Venice Blvd. thru-rted., with Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L.; LA-Beverly Hills-Coldwater Canyon probably changed to shuttle from Beverly Hills.

22 November - LA-Burbank changed to shut­tle from Glendale except rush hours; through service at all hours reest, soon thereafter.

3 December - Elevated viaduct opened at Main St. Station in LA; LA- Alhambra­ San Gabriel, LA-Whittier, LA- Stern, LA-Pas via Oak Knoll, LA-Pas via Short Line, LA- Red Bch via Watts-Gardena, LA-Red Bch via Watts-Hawthorne, LA-S Ped via Gardena, LA-Torrance, LA-Sier­ra Madre interurban lines rerted. to loop via San Pedro and Main Sts. thru station-[some in each direction].

3 December - LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L. reest., looping via San Pedro and Main Sts. thru station; LA: Annandale Loc. L. separated from Watts Loc. L.


?-L Bch-S Ped line rerted. onto loop in L Bch via Third, Pine, Ocean Ave.
1 January - First annual special service to Tournament of Roses in Pas through concourse at Main St. Sta.
25 January - LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L.             rerted. via Main St. in both directions to Main St. Sta.
11 February - Stub end tracks at rear op­ened at Main St. Sta. in LA; LA-L Bch, LA-Npt Bch, LA-Monrovia- Glendora, LA­-Pom, LA-S Bdo- Riv, LA-S Ped via Domin­guez Jct., LA-Santa Ana, LA-S Mon via Air Line rerted. via San Pedro St. in both directions, thence via elevated.
7 March - LA-Orange through service est,
4 April - LA- Orange through service changed, perhaps restricted to certain hours.
14 May - LA: Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. rush hour trippers ext. from Hill St. Sta. to Ninth and Hill.
1 September - LA - La Crescenta through service in rush hours via Glendale & Montrose Railway Co. disc.
30 September - La Habra- Fullerton shut­tle est.
After 3 October - L Bch: Ocean Ave. Loc. L. franchise east of 20th Pl. ab.
7 December - LA- Fullerton through ser­vice est. [inferred indirectly.]


2 February - LA - Glendale- Burbank, LA-Glendale-North Glendale, LA-Glendale-East Broadway rerted. at all hours to terminal at Sixth and LA Sts.; hitherto had used Main St. Sta. except in rush.
7 February - LA-Torrance ext. to S Ped, partially replacing LA-S Ped via Gar­dena-Carson.
After 15 July - Upland- San Antonio Hts. ab. at end for short distance in San Antonio Park.
6 August - LA: Brush Canyon Loc. L. ab.; S                Mon Air Line local service changed to terminate at Culver Jct., not Palms.
18 August - Pom: local lines generally rearranged [no details known],

About 23 October - S Ped: local lines ext. to Fifth and Front Sts.

26 October - S Bdo: Urbita Springs Loc. L. temp. disc.

27 October - Santa Ana - Huntington Beach ab. except franchise.

28 October - Redl: local lines generally rearranged [no details known].

1 November - Upland- San Antonio Heights reest. to Ontario as through service; Pom-Ontario changed to terminate at Claremont.

8 November - LA - Alhambra - San Gabriel absorbs LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L.

15 November - LA: Skip-stops est. on all city lines.


S Bdo: Urbita Springs Loc. L. reest. [presumably; no definite information].

S Mon-Ocean Park local service on S Mon Air Line, operated thru-rted, with S Mon Cyn Loc. L., disc.

21 April - Riv: Brockton Ave. Loc. L. ab. beyond Jurupa Ave.

1 May - Riv: Brockton Ave. Loc. L. sep­arated from Fairmont Park Loc, L., which is thru-rted. with Victoria Hill.

3 May - S Mon: Lincoln Blvd. Loc. L. thru-rted. with Third St. Loc. L.; Venice-S Mon-West LA via S Mon Blvd. Loc. L. disc. nights only,

After 8 May - S Ped: Fourteenth St. Loc. L. franchise ab.

22 June - Inglewood - Ocean Park Sunday service est.

About September - Inglewood - Ocean Park Sunday service disc.

By 29 December - S Mon: Lincoln Blvd. Loc. L. separated from Third St. Loc. L.


January - LA: Annandale Loc. L. shuttle at all hours.

1 February - LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L. reest. except nights.

March - LA-Catalina Dock, L Bch-Catalina Dock est. as independent lines to new Catalina terminal in Wilmington.

31 May - L Bch: Seaside Park Loc. L. temp. disc.; American Ave. Loc. L. temp. thru-rted, with Magnolia Ave.

After July - West LA-Soldiers’ Home ab.

1 November - LA- Redl via S Bdo through service est.; “Angel City Ltd.” and "Citrus Belt Ltd." est. on LA-S Bdo.

28 November - Pas: one-man service est. on local lines.


LA: Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. changed to terminate at Gardner Jct.;

Laurel Canyon Loc. L. est. as separate shuttle [by or during this year].

L Bch: Seaside Park Loc. L. reest., thru­rted. with American Ave. Loc. L. [by or during this year].

December - Santa Ana - Huntington Beach franchise ab. [possibly January 1922].

29 December - Mount Lowe - Echo Mountain Loc. L. temp. disc. [account snow].

31 December - Mount Lowe - Echo Mountain Loc. L. reest.


Manhattan-Red Bch Loc. L. reest. [before or early in 1922].

1 January - LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L., night service reest.

3 January - LA- Dominguez Jct. rush hour service on LA-S Ped line est.

20 December - Redl: Olive Ave. Loc. L. ab. [another source gives date to fol­low in 1923; probably franchise only continued].


1 January - Manhattan - Red Bch Loc. L. ext. to Cliffton,

15 January - Beverly Hills - Coldwater Canyon Loc. L., ab.

10 February - LA: Watts Loc. L. separated from South Pas Loc. L.; Watts loops through Main St. Sta., South Pas loops via San Pedro, Sixth, and Main Sts.

13 June - Redl: Olive Ave. (San Mateo) Loc. L. [franchise?] ab.

1 July - L Bch: Seaside Park Loc. L. ab. except franchise.

3 July - Pas: North Loop Loc. L. ab.

22 July - Pas: Tournament Park Loc. L. ab.

29 July - Pas: East Washington Loc. L.,

North Orange Grove Ave. Loc. L. ab.;

North Lake Ave. Loc. L. separated from North Orange Grove; Altadena Loc. L. separated from East Washington; North Lake Ave. and Altadena thru-rted,


LA-Glendale-East Broadway ext., from Glendale Ave. to Chevy Chase Dr.

About February or March - L Bch: Naples Jct.-Second St. Loc. L. est.

10 March - LA: Laurel Canyon Loc. L. ab.

16 April - Pasadena-Shorb ab.

21 April - S Ped: Outer Harbor Loc. L. ab.

June -S Mon: S Mon Canyon Loc. L. ab. from Center St. to Long Wharf.

1 June - Manhattan-Cliffton Loc. L. disc.

1 June - S Bdo - Patton ab.; S Bdo- Highland night service disc.

July ? - L Bch: Pine Ave. Loc. L. ab.

July ? -   Redl: Country Club Loc. L., Smiley Heights Loc. L. temp. disc.

3 July - Upland-San Antonio Heights ab. from La Cima to San Antonio Heights.

4 July - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. changed temp. to shuttle; Western ­Franklin Aves. Loc. L. temp. disc.

4 July - San Dimas Loc, L, ab.

7 July - S Bdo - Arrowhead Hot Springs temp. disc.; Riv- Arlington separated into independent  line from Arlington-Corona; Riv: Rubidoux-Evergreen Loc . L. ab.

After 24 July - Huntington Beach- L Bch via Seal Beach line est.

29 July - LA - Alhambra ext. from East San Gabriel to Temple City.

October - Upland-La Cima ab.

1 October - Pom: East Fifth St., East Holt Ave., Ganesha Park via West Holt and North Garey Aves. Loop, South Ga­rey Ave.- Cemetery, and West Second St. Loc. L. ab. [these had perhaps had franchises only since July].

3 December - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. reest, as through service [a probable date only; perhaps 2 January 1925].


2 January - LA: Western-Franklin Aves. Loc. L., reest,

2 January - S Bdo-Arrowhead Hot Springs reest., shuttle from Highland Ave. and ‘B’ St.; through service later.

1 March - Riv: Fairmont Park and Victo­ria Hill Loc. L., ab.

15 June - Redl: Country Club Loc. L., Smiley Heights Loc. L. reest. [infer­red from ab. date of temp. motor coa­ches.]

20 July - LA - Burbank ext. from Cypress Ave. to Benmar Hills (Eton Dr.)

1 December - Subway opens. LA-Glendale-Burbank, LA-Glendale-North Glendale, LA-Glendale-East Broadway rerted. from Sixth and LA Sts. to terminal in sub­way.


7 February - LA: Hollywood Blvd. via sub­way Loc. L. est.; S Mon Blvd.-Cahuenga Pass, S Mon Blvd.-West Hollywood, LA-North Hollywood-Van Nuys- Canoga Park, -San Fernando rerted. from Hill St. Sta. to terminal in subway.

After 15 February - Huntington Beach-L Bch via Seal Beach line disc.

1 March - Pas: Arroyo Seco Loc. L. ab.

23 May - Redl: Country Club and East Citrus Loc. L. ab.

16 June - Redi: Brookside (Terracina) Loc. L. ab.

November - S Ped-L Bch-Npt Bch- Balboa via Naples Jct, line est.

1 November - LA-S Mon via Beverly Hills line combined with LA-Venice via Short Line into loop at beach end; loop of Short Line via Third St. probably ab.

13 November - LA: Annandale Loc. L., ab. from Adelaide Pl. to Annandale.


Early - El Segundo- Hawthorne line disc. Sundays only.

22 January - S Mon: Lincoln Blvd. Loc. L. ab.

1 February - LA-S Mon via Beverly Hills line separated from LA-Venice Short Line at beach end.

17 October - S Bdo: Urbita Springs Loc. L. ab.

After 19 October - LA-S Ped via Watts­ Gardena-Carson cutoff ab.

1 November - S Mon: Third St. Loc. L. ab. from Third and S Mon Blvd. to Broadway and Ocean.


LA-Sierra Madre shuttle nights only.

12 January - L Bch: Seaside Park fran­chise ab.

1 April - Riv-S Bdo separated from S Bdo­ Redl and thru-rted. With Riv-Arlington.

3 April - LA: Avenue 64 Loc. L. ab.

15 June - Riv-S Bdo separated from Riv­-Arlington and thru-rted, with S Bdo­-Redl.

24 June - L Bch: Magnolia Ave. Loc. L. ab.

14 September - Inglewood-Ocean Park ab.; had been one franchise car a day-since 1911, except brief summer periods such as 1919.

6 October - Ontario-Upland ab.

20 October - LA-Pas via Oak Knoll rerted, from terminal at Union and Fair Oaks to Woodbury and North Lake Ave.

10 November - Huntington Beach-La Bolsa ab.

After 14 December - S Ped-L Bch-Npt Bch­-Balboa via Naples Jct. line disc.


About June - LA-Pas via Oak Knoll rerted. to Union and Fair Oaks except rush hour service to Woodbury and North Lake in addition.

13 December - S Mon: Third St. Loc. L. ab.


After 10 July - LA-Yorba Linda-Stern ab. except rush hours and franchise.

15 September - Santa Ana-Orange ab.

1 November - El Segundo-Hawthorne ab.

After 13 November - LA- Fullerton ab. ex­cept franchise.


After 25 May - Redl: Smiley Heights Loc. L., ab. on outer end.

11 August - Arlington-Corona ab.

After 23 November - S Ped: West Basin Loc. L. ab.; had been one franchise car daily since 1911.

After 30 November - L Bch:        Seal Beach Loc. L. temp. disc. beyond Alamitos Bay.


On or by 1 January - LA-Rubio Canyon partially rerted. outbound from Oak Knoll to Short Line.

18 January - LA; Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. thru-rted, with Venice Blvd. Loc. L. and separated from Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. nights and Sundays only; LA-Hollywood-Venice line rerted, from Hill St. Sta, to terminal in subway except Sundays.

After 28 March - LA-Fullerton, LA-Stern franchises disc. Sundays only,

3 April - Pas: North Lake Ave. Loc. L. ab. from Woodbury and Lake to Mendoci­no and Country Club Park.

1 September - S Bdo-Arrowhead Hot Springs ab.

1 October - LA: Western- Franklin Aves, Loc. L. thru-rted, with Venice Blvd Loc. L. rush hours only; Western-Frank­lin changed to shuttle except in rush hours.

16 November - LA: Watts and South Pas Loc. L. thru-rted. via Main St.


LA-Sierra Madre shuttle except rush hours only [1933-35].

LA-Dominguez Jct., rush hour service on LA-S Ped line disc.

Early - LA-Hollywood-Venice line rerted. into terminal in subway on Sundays.

1 January - Pom-Claremont ab.

After 19 June - Venice - Playa Del Rey via Lagoon disc. nights only.

30 July - LA (Southern Pacific Sta.)-Pas (Southern Pacific Sta.) ab.

26 October - LA - Red Bch via Hawthorne ab.

After 6 November - LA: S Mon via Air Line local service (Culver Jct.) disc.

After 4 December - LA - Stern franchise ab. beyond Yorba Linda [? No Stern service shown in public time tables since 1930.]


31 January - S Mon: S Mon Canyon Loc. L. ab. [another source gives 22 August 1933; line had been franchise only for some time previous.]

1 March - LA-Glendale-East Broadway disc. except rush hours only; Glendale: East Broadway Loc. L. ab.

23 July - Glendale: East Broadway Loc. L. reest.

By 1 September - S Bdo- Highland ab. ex­cept franchise.

1 October - S Ped: Point Firmin Loc. L. ab.


LA: Western-Franklin Aves. Loc. L. sepa­rated from Venice Blvd. Loc. L. in rush hours.

2 January - LA: South Pas Loc. L. ab. north of Mission Rd. (General Hospital)

On or by 24 May - LA-Rubio Canyon entirely rerted. outbound via Short Line.

1 June - L Bch: American Ave. Loc. L. ab.; replaced by local stops on inter­urban to LA.

1 September - LA - Whittier ab. except franchise; LA: Huntington Park-Maywood­ Bell-Walker Loc. L. est.


LA: S Mon Air Line local service temp. reest. to Eleventh Ave.; then with­drawn [No written evidence.]

1 March - Pas: Lamanda Park Loc. L. ab. from Lamanda Park to Lamanda Park Jct.

1 June - Riv: Brockton Ave. Loc. L. ab.

12 July - LA-Glendale- Burbank line disc. nights and Sundays only; LA-Glendale-North Glendale disc. except rush hours only and Saturday afternoons; Glendale ­East Broadway Loc. L. ab.; LA: Edendale Loc. L. ext. from Whitmore Ave. to Monte Sano.

13 July - Venice - Playa Del Rey via Lagoeon ab.

20 July - S Bdo-Redl ab.; Redl: Smiley Heights Loc. L. ab.; S Bdo- Highland franchise ab.; LA-Redl through service ab.

15 September - LA - Rubio Canyon, Rubio Canyon- Echo Mountain incline, Mount Lowe-Echo Mountain Loc. L. ab. except franchise.


1 May - S Bdo: Highland Ave.-‘D’ St. Loc. L. ext. from Highland and ‘B’ St. to 34th St. and Mountain View Ave.


23 January - LA-Whittier, LA-Fullerton, LA-Yorba Linda franchises ab.

23 January - S Ped: La Rambla Loc. L. ab.

1 February - S Bdo-Riv ab. except fran­chise.

28 February - Mount Lowe - Echo Mountain franchises ab. [about March; this date from newspaper flood reports].

March - Numerous lines temp. disc. for several days account floods, then reest.

6 March - LA: Huntington Park- Maywood-Bell-Walker Loc. L. ab.

25 March - LA: Western- Franklin Aves, Loc. L. temp. disc.

12 April - LA: Western- Franklin Aves, Loc. L., reest.

30 May - LA-Van Nuys-Canoga Park, LA-Van Nuys-San Fernando ab. beyond Van Nuys;

LA: S Mon Blvd.-Cahuenga Pass Loc. L. absorbed by LA-Van Nays.

1 June - LA: Watts Loc. L. and General Hospital Loc. L. separated; Watts thru-rted. with Sierra Vista Loc. L.; General Hospital changed into shuttle at all hours.

18 September - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. temp. disc. except rush hours only to Sunset Blvd. and Echo Park; Holly­wood Blvd. via Hill St. and Venice Bl. Loc. L. thru-rted. at all hours.


8 January - LA- Hollywood - Venice line disc. nights only; rerted, Sundays on­ly via Hill to Eleventh; LA: Hollywood Blvd. via Subway Loc. L. disc. nights only; Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. separated from Venice Blvd. nights only and ext. from Gardner St. to Bev­erly Hills; Venice Blvd. Loc. L. disc. nights only, with Venice Short Line and LA-Red Bch via Playa Del Rey local nights only,

26 February - LA - Red Bch - Cliffton via Delta-Gardena ab.; LA-S Ped via Tor­rance ab. beyond Torrance.

8 May - Riv-S Bdo franchise ab.

22 June - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. reest. except nights and Sundays; Venice Blvd. Loc. L. disc. Sundays; LA-Venice via Short Line and LA-Red Bch via Playa Del Rey local Sundays.

23 October - LA (Southern Pacific Sta.)- L Bch-S Ped ab.


14 January - LA - Red Bch - Cliffton via Athens-Gardena ab.; Hermosillo-Torrance ab.

24 February- L Bch: East L Bch-North L Bch, East Seventh St., Naples Junction Second St., and Seal Beach Loc. L., ab. except franchises.

17 March - LA: Western-Franklin Aves. Loc. L. ab.

12 May - LA- Red Bch-Cliffton via Playa Del Rey ab. except franchise.

9 June - LA - Huntington Beach- Npt Bch-­Balboa temp. ab. except franchise to Npt Bch,

9 June - Riv-Rialto ab. except franchise;


LA-S Bdo service reduced from 8 to 4 round trips daily; all Northern Dist­rict local and interurban lines rerted. in LA from Aliso St. onto temp. tracks via Macy St.

30 June - S Mon - West LA via Brentwood ab., except franchise,

7 July - LA - S Mon via Vineyard-Beverly Hills ab. except partial franchise;

LA: Venice Blvd. Loc. L. ext. from Vineyard to San Vicente Blvd. and Gen­esee St.

8 September - LA: Edendale Loc. L. re­rted. to terminal in subway; portion via Sixth St. to Southern Pacific Sta. ab.

14 September - LA- S Ped via Dominguez Jct. special service to fleet via Out­er Harbor line disc.

15 September - L Bch -S Ped line rerted, via Ocean Ave. in both directions, nights only.

29 September - L Bch- S Ped line rerted, onto loop via Third, Pine, Ocean, at all hours.

30 September - LA-Pas via Oak Knoll, LA ­Pas via Short Line rerted, in Pas from loops on Raymond Ave. through car barn to Colorado and Fair Oaks Ave. in both directions to car barn.

22 October - L Bch: local line franchises ab.

12 November - L Bch - S Pas line rerted. via Ocean Ave. in both directions at all hours; Third and Pine loop ab.

18 November - LA-S Mon via Beverly Hills, LA-Red Bch via Playa Del Rey, S Mon-West LA via Brentwood, Riv-Rialto, North L Bch-Npt Bch franchises ab.

24 November - LA-Glendale-Burbank, LA-Glendale-North Glendale reest, at all hours; LA-Burbank ab. from Cypress Ave. to Benmar Hills (Eton Dr.); LA: Edendale Loc. L. absorbed by LA-Glendale lines except rush hours only, when ext. from Monte Sano to Richardson.


18 January - LA- Pas via Short Line rush hour only service to Altadena ab.; LA­ Pas via Oak Knoll rush hour only ser­vice to Woodbury and North Lake ab.

19 January - Pas: Lincoln Ave., Lamanda Park Jct., North Fair Oaks Ave., and North Lake Ave. Loc. L. ab.

9 February - LA - Venice via Short Line thru-rted, with Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L., except rush hours, nights and Sundays; LA: Hollywood-Blvd. via Subway Loc. L. disc. Sundays.

24 August - LA-Hollywood-Venice line ab.; LA-Hollywood Blvd. via Subway Loc. L.

absorbs LA-Beverly Hills portion except nights and Sundays; LA: Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. absorbs LA-Beverly Hills portion nights and Sundays.

2 November - LA-Pom, LA-S Bdo ab. beyond Baldwin Park, except rush hours only beyond Covina, and franchise, S Bdo-Bench.

30 November - LA- Alhambra - San Gabriel Temple City ab.

23 December - LA Catalina Dock, L Bch­ Catalina Dock lines disc.


1 January - Special service to Tourna­ment of Roses in Pas disc.; did not operate 1942-5 inclusive.

15 February - LA- S Ped via Dominguez Jct. and L Bch-S Ped line rerted. from drawbridge to West Basin.

22 February - S Bdo: Highland Ave.-‘D’ St., S Bdo-Colton via Mount Vernon Ave. Loc. L. ab., except franchise from 34th St. to Bench.

20 July - LA - Npt Bch reest, (Club Car only, one round trip daily).

4 August - S Bdo: 34th St.-Bench fran­chise ab.

15 August - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. reest. nights and Sundays; thru-rting, with Venice Blvd. Loc. L. rush hours only disc.

18 September - LA-Npt Bch disc.

27 September - All-rail use of Main St. Sta. disc. LA-Pas via Oak Knoll, LA Pas via Short Line rerted. in LA from Main St. Sta, onto loop via San Pedro, Sixth, and Main Sts.; LA-Sierra Madre line rerted, in LA from loop through Main St. Sta. to stub end tracks at rear via San Pedro St. both directions.

17 October - LA: General Hospital-Echan­dia Jct. Loc. L. shuttle ab.


10 January - Riv-Arlington ab.

21 February - LA - Sierra Madre disc. as independent through service in rush hours, replaced by rear cars of LA-Monrovia trains at rush hours.

19 March - LA- Terminal Island, L Bch-Terminal Island (Calship) est.

18 April - LA-Venice via Short Line sep­arated from Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. at all hours; Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L. changed to terminate at Eleventh and Hill nights and Sundays; San Vicente Blvd. changed to shuttle from Vineyard to Genesee St. nights and Sundays.

2 May - North L Bch-Npt Bch shuttle est.

15 May - LA-Npt Bch through service re­est.

15 May - LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L. ext. to Pas via Short Line in owl hours.

6 July - LA - Npt Bch early morning and night service disc.

18 July (OUTBOUND), 22 July (INBOUND) ­All Northern District local and inter­urban lines rerted. in LA from temp. tracks on Macy St. to Aliso St.

19 September - LA-Npt Bch disc.


19 June - LA.-Npt Bch reest,, rush hours only.

16 September - LA-Npt Bch disc.


17 June - LA-Npt Bch reest., partial ser­vice only.

15 September - LA-Npt Bch disc.

16 September - LA-Terminal Island, L Bch-Terminal Island (Calship) ab.

12 November - LA-Santa Ana ab. in Santa Ana from P.E. Sta. to Southern Pacific Sta,


1 January - Annual special service to Tournament of Roses in Pas looping through all-rail Main St. Sta. reest.

6 March - LA-Catalina Dock, L Bch-Cata­lina Dock reest.

17 June - LA-Npt Bch reest., partial ser­vice only.

8 September - LA-Npt Bch disc. Sundays only; continues rush hours only.

16 September - LA - Dominguez Jct., rush hour service on LA-S Ped line reest.

2 November - LA-Covina (Citrus and Badil­lo), rush hours only, ab.

4 November - LA-Covina (Front and Second) rush hours only, est.

24 December - LA-Glendale-East Broadway, rush hours only, ab.


28 February - LA-S Ped via Dominguez Jct. rerted, from West Basin to drawbridge.

28 March - LA-Covina ab. beyond Baldwin Park.

5 October - LA-Pas via Oak Knoll, LA-Pas via Short Line rerted, in LA from loop on Sixth St. into Main St. Sta, stub end tracks via San Pedro St.


11 June - LA - Sierra Madre ab. except rush hours only.

8 November - LA-Glendale - North Glendale temp. disc. beyond Burchett St.

29 December - LA-Glendale-North Glendale reest. in full,


2 January – L Bch-S Ped line ab.

4 April - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. temp. disc. except daily except nights and Sundays from Eleventh and Hill to Montana and Echo Park Ave.

30 April - L Bch-Catalina Dock line ab.

11 June - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L. re­est. in full,

8 August - LA: Sierra Vista Loc. L. owl service to Pas via Short Line disc.

29 December - LA-Burbank ab. from Cypress Ave. to Orange Grove Ave. in Burbank.


1 January - Last annual special service to Tournament of Roses in Pas looping through all-rail Main St. Sta.

8 April - LA - Npt Bch line disc. Satur­days only.

30 June - LA - Npt Bch line, rush hours only, ab.

2 July - LA - Santa Ana ab. beyond Bellflower.

13 August - LA: S Mon Blvd.-West Holly­wood Loc. L. changed to shuttle from S Mon Blvd. and Highland Ave. nights.

17 September - LA-Venice via Short Line ab. except franchise.

1 October - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L., Hollywood Blvd. via Hill St. Loc. L., and Venice Blvd.-San Vicente Blvd. Loc. L. ab. except franchise; Hollywood Bl. via Subway Loc. L. reest. nights and Sundays; Venice Short Line franchise thru-rted, with Echo Park Ave.'s.

6 October - LA - Sierra Madre ab. except franchise.

8 October - LA-Pas via Oak Knoll ab. ex­cept franchise.

15 October - LA-Baldwin Park ab.

22 October - LA: Watts Loc. L. separated from Sierra Vista Loc. L. and both re­rted. to stub end tracks at rear of Main St. Sta. via San Pedro St.; Main St. portion ab. except franchise.

28 December - LA: Echo Park Ave. Loc. L., LA-Venice via Short Line, San Vicente Blvd. Loc. L. LA -Sierra Madre, LA-Pas via Oak Knoll, etc., franchises ab.


30 September LA - Monrovia - Glendora, LA-Pas via Short Line, LA: Sierra Vis­ta Loc. L. ab.


1 October - LA-Catalina Dock line ab.[?]


[5 January - LA-North Hollywood-Van Nuys and LA: S Mon Blvd.-West Hollywood Loc. L. ab. TENTATIVE DATE ONLY.]


The compiler wishes to thank Messrs. H.O. Marler and Lloyd Young of PE, Raymond

E. Younghans, Ira L. Swett, and Lazear Israel for their valuable assistance.