Equipment Committee: Official Notice November 1, 1953
Bulletin Number Four
1. Corrections
and Additions to 1160 Financial Report:
As was stated in Bulletin Three, the figures on the 1160 project were complete with the exception of the tax on the Belyea truck bill. However, an item of expense was overlooked which will be shown in this bulletin, i.e., welding expenses in cutting the rail and cutting holes in the rails for the bolts.
(1.) 96 ft single track, 60 lb rail, 50 ties, bolts, etc.............................$150.00
(2.) Transportation of rail by Kay Truck Co. to Travel Town...........$ 44.19
(3.) Purchase of additional fish plates and truck bolts...(LATA)...........$5.38
(4.) Cutting one rail and cutting additional bolt holes.......................... $5.70
(5.) One streetcar from Los Angeles Transit Lines...........................$207.00
(6.) Transportation of streetcar to Travel Town (Belyea)...................$206.00
2. Final
Report on the Birney Deal:
Now that all of SC-ERA’s fleet of Birney streetcars has been sold, thus putting us out of the trolley brokerage business, a final resume is in order. SC-ERA originally purchased 3 Birneys and added a fourth one as a result of the one owned by the ERE-LA being turned over to SC-ERA. Since all ERE members are also SC-ERA members, the total amount paid for the four cars together came to $450. Each of the cars was resold to the following people for the amounts listed: (a) Rocky Mountain RR Club, 1 car at $115.; (b) Mr. Stitzel 1 car at $175.; (c) A branch of the NRHS, 1 car at $115.; and (d) The Pioneer Village (not the one in Las Vegas), 1 car at $125. The total amount of the resale was $530.00, bringing in a profit of $80.00. The general Treasury of the SC-ERA will get this plus $150.00 which Doc Isely pledged previous to the purchase of the Birneys, but was not put in the Treasury at that time since it was used to help buy the Birneys. Since the Birneys are all sold, this money will soon be in the kitty. The Equipment Committee’s Treasury is not doing so well. It is about $23 in debt due to overspending on the 1160 project. Since over-expenses were covered by the general Treasury, SC-ERA as a whole is not in the red, but is now fairly stable with indications that things money wise will soon improve.
3. Latest News About the 1160 and other SC-ERA
Property at Travel Town
About a week-and-a-half ago the Committee paid an inspection visit to the 1160 and found the following: (a) The car is in fair condition and has weathered the effects of vandalism much better than the committee expected. Besides one of the sand box covers having been “borrowed,” the glass on one of the air gauges is broken. Other minor damage or acts of thievery have occurred to the car, but nothing serious.
(b) The track which SC-ERA put down for the 1160 is in good shape where the car rests on it. However, at the back (toward the U.P. caboose), the city has put a collection of assorted pieces of wood and an old tie. The track on the other side end of the car has been ripped up entirely by a construction crew which was laying a sewer line through the museum. This pipe line cut across the front of the 1160, and even though the line has been laid and the ground returned to its normal state, including the track upon which stand the city’s locos; the city neglected to re-lay our track back in place. It remains for SC-ERA’s own volunteer track crews to do this work.
On Sunday, Oct 25, the first step in the repairing of this track damage was started. Ronald Longworth, Ken Harrison, Werner Meyer, Jr.., and Norman Johnson were the participants. The work consisted of cleaning up and general preparation.
4. Robert Ramsay Leaves Committee:
Bob Ramsay, one of the original three members of the Equipment Committee, was removed from this committee today at his own request. He felt that since he has been working six days a week, plus being news editor of TIMEPOINTS as well as actively participating in Modern Transit Group, he could no longer devote sufficient time to the Committee. The Committee will remain as a 2-man body indefinitely until Chairman Meyer picks a successor around the first of the year.
Respectfully submitted,
Norman K. Johnson for the EQUIPMENT COMMITTEE of SC-ERA
Werner Meyer, Jr., Chairman