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The Electric Railway Historical Association of Southern California

The ERHA logo was designed by member Richard Burk and first appeared on the September 1963 issue of TimepointsThe ERHA of SC meets the 3rd Friday night of every month at the Metro Headquarters Building. Our meetings always feature the best in traction related movie, slide and/or video programs by our members and noted guests. Monthly meetings are always FREE to the public.

The ERHA has held monthly meetings nearly every month since our founding meeting in March 1950. March 2020 marks the Association's 70th year.

Between 1950 and 2000 the ERHA published its scholarly Southern California traction journal, TIMEPOINTS, since superceded by this website.

Monthly Meeting Location: Metro Headquarters Building Union Station Room. Doors open - 6:00PM, Meeting begins - 7:00PM

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